Welcome all! I am your blog host and Wilmington artist, Terry Ganey, and on this crazy show, we are going to be taking a peek into my world – my world of soul-searching, pencil-smudging, paint-splattering, and canvas-ripping; my art and soul.
Let me open up this show by telling you a bit about myself. I am a completely self-taught artist that has the pleasure of living on the east coast of NC, which basically means - I am lucky enough to enjoy the beauty of the ocean, a little city-life, and the peaceful country at the same time. All of these unending muses in the Carolinas influence my art – I love capturing the fierceness of the untamed
ocean, the architecture of a lively city, and the quiet beauty of a backwoods (which is where I grew up).

I have been drawing for as long as I remember, and apparently
even longer still. My kindergarten teacher, sweet Mrs. Jacobs, who I have kept in contact with throughout the years, swears I drew some mittens and a chicken for class story time. (Now wondering, did she mean the chicken was wearing the mittens? On what? It’s feet?) I swear I do not remember either.
Although I have always been drawing, painting, or doing something artsy - I did, for a time, get away from my one true love. I let life’s angry tides carry me far away from my safe haven of artistic dwelling. But yeah, you probably figured out the story; I got my art groove back. As I neared my 40’s, I panicked for some reason and decided I was going to have an early mid-life crisis. I chopped my hair all off, dyed it bright red (apparently with accidental pops of pink in it), and decided I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life working in a job that truly did not make me as happy as I am when making my art. I mean, what kind of legacy was I leaving for my children?
As Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life’.
Now, here I am, making a go of the old classic, ‘follow your heart’ deal. Its scary, its a bit overwhelming sometimes (I am definitely not a big crowds person), but it's liberating at the same time. All I know at this point is that I am overwhelmingly in love with art - I love creating it, talking about it, and I love it when people get that about me.
Welp, that’s all folks for today!
Just don’t forget to stay tuned and catch up with me on my next adventure!
Questions? Comments? Hey, even concerns? Feel free to email me here at terryganeystudio@gmail.com or you can contact me via my website

You go girl!! So happy amd proud of you
Audrey Kriss Berkowitz